As a planner by nature adversity historically had devastating impacts on my overall mental health. In my mind I could control the universe. The truth is there are very few things we can absolutely control. The fact is adversity is around every corner. With that being said what can you do? Focus on the one thing that you can control and that is how you respond to adversity.
Imagine having a full scholarship for athletics only to break your leg weeks leading up to signing your letter of intent. That is a very adverse situation. The psychological toll of an injury is disheartening enough, but, to have something so critical on the line exacerbates the severity of the situation. How would you handle that? There is no right or wrong answer, however, there is a perspective that will certainly prevent you from spiraling down the path of depression and despair. Allow yourself to be emotional. It's ok. Next take a deep breath and follow a practical approach to the situation as opposed to dawning on the most obvious immediate fallout. Educate yourself on the severity of the injury. Talk to specialists,coaches and mentors about your options. Understand that everyone takes a different path to success and trust me we all have a wavering story about how we got there. From there put together a plan on how you can get back on track and set small attainable goals. Once established take a day by day approach and work hard and smart to accomplish each goal. Sooner than you think you will find yourself in an outstanding position to be as good or better than you were before.
It's important for all of us to understand that nothing is perfect and truthfully nothing worth having is adversity free.. Forge a strong why, remain practically optimistic, work hard and remain humble. These actions will allow you to thrive in most situations regardless of the adversity you face along the way. I wish the best for all who grind every day to be the best you, you can be.