At some point in every athletes career they experience a plateau or a decline in performance. After a rigorous off-season training program, you enter your season reinvigorated. The first few competitions display your newfound speed, skill, and overall abilities. As the season progresses your production regresses and injuries rise. You just don'[t feel as sharp as you once did. It seems inexplicable,however, what you are experiencing is involution.
Involution or the loss of your overall athleticism is a direct reflection of the cliche "If you don't use it, you lose it." Most athletes invest heavily in priming their bodies for a breakout year during the off-season. When the season is upon them they cut out a majority of the training protocols that elevated their overall performance. Gradually your mind and body is deconditioned.
Carefully planned strength and conditioning protocols are the foundation of an athlete's enhanced performance. The body undergoes physiological changes as a function of the training effect. Some of the benefits include:
-Improved neural activity: Your neural activity increases and creates stronger connections. You quite literally become smarter.
-Improved Neuromuscular Coordination: The ability to move is a coordinated effort that begins at the brain. It requires a neural connection conditioned by repeated effort.
-Improved Oxygen Utilization: The ability to utilize oxygen is vital in overall conditioning. Without it your athletes begin to burn out much earlier than they should. This decreases performance and more importantly increases risk of injury.
-Improved Body Composition: Body composition requirements are specific to the position of each sport. The ideal composition requires planned nutrition and training protocols. Meeting these requirements decreases injury and improves performance.
The good news is with as little as 1 training session a week athletes can maintain those off-season training improvements. With all of the advances in training protocols 2-3 sessions a week have demonstrated continuous improvement throughout the season. Avoid falling prey to the cycle that plagues athletes and take ownership of your athletic prowess by continuing to train during your season. With the right protocol, hard work and dedication there is no height you can't reach.