Most of us live a life built by circumstances and comfortability. The question we have to ask ourselves is, "Where does this lead?" In my experience until recently it has led to a life lead on the terms of others.. The recent situation brought on by controversial global events has forced many of us to look inward for solutions to an otherwise misleading crisis. My introspection led me down a path of improved self-awareness. I decided that I can not afford to be groomed by the results of the aforementioned life experience. It is time we all took command of our life path. Take the bull by the horn and pave your own way. What better way than improving your mental, physical and spiritual health. Taking a mind, body and soul approach to improving your life will all but guarantee that wherever your path leads will be one of fulfillment. Tune out all of the divisiveness that is inundating the media and take ownership of spreading positivity , health and wellness. Start today by adopting healthy habits. Eat with intention of providing yourself with good, clean energy. Enjoy activities that get you outside. Surround yourself with people (even if virtually for now) who emit positive energy and who motivate you. Increase opportunities to learn and grow by engaging in positively challenging situations and influential people. As the Defining Heights mantra goes, " Together there is no height that we can't reach."