Two days snuck by without any recognition. Have you ever been so busy you honestly couldn't recall what day it was? I am a creature of habit and you wouldn't think I would experience this because everything is so structured. The truth is that even while we may have a set routine we can become inundated with busy work. So much so that the days tend to blur. It's OK! Just understand that time is the most valuable asset we have.
Busy is good but productive is better. We could literally stay busy doing anything. The focus, however, should be on converting busy time to productive time. What is the difference anyways? Being productive should add value to accomplishment of your goals. Being busy typically comes in the forms of time fillers/wasters. There is no real end goal just time spent doing "something." Think about your typical day. How much time is spent on adding value to your life? "Tick, Tock." We are all on the clock..